Senin, 05 Maret 2018

DV2TRV Brookfield Viscometer: Asphalt Application

DV2TRV Brookfield Viscometer: Asphalt Application
- Spindle type SC4-21
- Sample volume 8 mL
- Shear rate (sec^-1) 0.93N
- Viscosity range cP (mPa.s) 25 - 500K

Brookfield Viscosimeter Application: Chocolate

Brookfield Viscometer Application: Chocolate

DV2T HA Viscometer
- Touch Screen Interface
- Temperature Probe
- Data / User Security
- PC Control
- Calculates Viscosity
- Torque
- Viscosity Min. 200 cP (mPa.s)
- Viscosity Max. 80M cP (mPa.s)
- Number of Speeds 200
- # of Spindles Supplied 6


DV3T HA Rheometer
- Touch Screen Interface
- Real Time Graphing
- Temperature Probe
- Data / User Security
- PC Control
- Calculates Viscosity
- Torque
- Yield Stress
- Viscosity Min. 200 cP (mPa.s)
- Viscosity Max. 80M cP (mPa.s)
- Number of Speeds 2600
- # of Spindles Supplied 6

PT. Mitra Batavia Semesta
Perum Wahana Pondok Gede Blok D6 No. 22
Jl. Raya Mess AL, Jatisampurna, Kota Bekasi 17432
Telp. (021) 2906 2206 - 0878 8545 8787
Email: -

Brookfield Viscometer: Why Measure Viscosity?

The ability to gather data on a material's viscosity behavior gives manufacture an important "product dimension." Knowledge of a material's rheological characteristic is valuable in predicting its pourability, ist performance in a dipping or coating operation, or the ease with which it may be handle, processed, or used. The interrelation between rheology and other product dimensions often makes the measurement of viscosity the most sensitive or convenient way of detecting changes in color, density, stability, solids content, and molecural weight.

Why Choose Brookfiled?
Ease to use, flexibility, reliable performance and quality of service have made Brookfield Viscometers favorites all over the world. All Brookfiled Viscometers are accurate within +/- 1.0% of range in use and have a reproducibility within +/- 0.2% . Test results can be duplicated anywhere in the world when the same model instrument is used.

Below is a chat that will show the Brookfield family of Laboratory Viscometers and Rheometer at a glance. This will help to give you a general idea of what is available before making decision. The horizontal axis indicates performance capability and features while the vertical axis addresses price level.

Family of Brookfield Laboratory Viscometers
PT. Mitra Batavia Semesta
Perum Wahana Pondok Gede Blok D6 No. 22
Jl. Raya Mess AL, Jatisampurna, Kota Bekasi 17432
Telepon: (021) 2906 2206 - 0878 8545 8787
Email: -

Jumat, 12 Januari 2018

Unit Instalasi Pengolah Limbah Cair IPAL Puskesmas, Rumah Sakit, dan Klinik

Bimatech , Type A

Set instalasi pengolah Air Limbah ( IPAL ) BIMATECH type A ini digunakan untuk mengolah limbah buangan puskesmas yang umumnya berasal dari kamar bersalin, poli gigi, poli Lab dan poli umum, atau sering disebut limbah cair infeksius menjadi air buangan yang sesuai dengan baku mutu air limbah
Umumnya limbah puskesmas mengandung sejumlah mikroorganisme berupa virus seperti Hepatitis dan rotavirus, bakteri seperti E coli dan Coliform ; jasad renik ; darah; atau sekresi lainnya. Set IPAL ini dilengkapi dengan set oksidator kuat yang berfungsi untuk membunuh bakteri, Virus, sampai tingkat keberhasilan 99.9% serta mengoksidasi limbah organic buangan puskesmas misalnya anti biotik dan sisa sisa obat menjadi CO2, H2O beserta hasil sampingnya sehingga mampu menghilangkan / menekan buangan limbah puskesmas ini.
Pemakaian Unit IPAL BIMATECH type A ini, dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga bias diatur dalam posisi automatic maupun manual yang dapat menghasilkan efisiensi kerja dan konsumsi energy listrik yang baik

 Reaktor                  : 2 Unit
Reduksi                     1.5 mm, SS 304   8%
Oksidasi tower         Diameter 70cm, t = 1600 cm
Sendiment               : 2 Unit
Tower                       : 1.5 mm, SS 304   8%
                                     Diameter 70 cm, t = 1600 cm
Circulation                 : 1 Unit
Pump System
                                    0.5 Kw
                                   220 – 230 V, 50 Hz
                                   500 W, 3.2 A
                                   H min : 15 m
                                   H max : 41 m
Filter Pump              : 1 Unit

                                   0.5 Kw
                                   220 – 230 V , 50 Hz
                                  500 W, 3.2 A
                                  H min : 15 m
                                  H max : 41 m
Inlet Pump             : 1 Unit
                                   0.5 Kw
                                   220 – 230 V , 50 Hz
                                  500 W, 3.2 A
                                  H min : 15 m
                                  H max : 41 m
Transfer Pump           : 1 Unit
                                        0.5 Kw
                                        220 – 230 V , 50 Hz
                                       500 W, 3.2 A
                                        H min : 15 m
Ultra violet system      :  2 Unit
                                          S.012 PA/2
                                          XT.239.UV OZ
                                          220 – 230 V , 40 W, Kap  12 GPM
                                         50 Hz
                                         40 mA
Box Panel Listrik           : 1 Unit
                                          Relay system
                                         LY2N,220 – 230 V
                                         WLC unit
                                          Floatless,,61F – G
                                          110 / 220 VAC
                                           50 Hz
Filtering System            : Filter Back Wash
                                            3 Unit
                                            1054 A2, 5 TNA
                                           Max Preasure 100 Psi ( 0.7 Mpa )
                                            Temperatur 34o  - 120o F ( 1 – 49o C  )
                                            Max Vacuum 5 “ Hq (129 mmHg )
                                            Size 265 X 265 X 1420 mm
                                           Volume 0.095 m3
                                            Net weight  6.5 Kg
Media Filter                    - Carbon Active
-          Pasir silica
-           Resin

·         Spesifikasi dapat berubah sewaktu waktu tergantung permintaan dan kondisi di lapangan
Flow Meter                       : 1 Unit
                                               5 GPM / 15mm
Meteran Air                        : Qn. 1.5 m3 /h
                                                 R : 50 – H
                                                 Q / Q : 4
O3 Generator                      : 2 Unit
                                                 20 gr / Jam
                                                Isolator corona : glass quartz
                                                Modul Elektroda : stainless, filter
                                                Corona : PVC, generator
                                               Pembangkit HV : Travo HV 15 KV
                                               Our meter Unit : Analog
Oxidator supplier               : Zeolit Material:  2 set
                                                 Box Stainless Steel SUS 304
                                                Air pump, Pomp resun CO 003
Pipe Line                              PVC dia 1”, AW 1 Lot
Bak / tangki Equalizer        : Kapasitas 1000 liter , 1 Unit bahan fiberglass
Tangki Biofilter                    : Kapasitas 1000 liter, 1 Unit bahan fiberglass
Tangki Sampit                      : Kapasitas 1000 liter, 1 Unit bahan fiberglass
Rumah pelindung IPAL       : Dinding atas BRC, dinding bawah 120cm, terbuat dr Plat besi 1mm,
                                                  Total Tinggi -+ 2600mm
Troley                                     : untuk membawa limbah cair
-          4 Roda karet 4”
-          Kapasitas 100 L dimension ( 50cm X 50cm X 50 cm )
-          Material SS 201
-          Dilengkapi kran stainless Steel
Saluran saluran pipa : pipa PVC2 inch dari sumber limbah
Bak kolam Air
-          Bahan SS 201
-          Ukuran 50 X 50 X 50cm

Incinerator Limbah Padat Laboratorium

Spesifikasi :
Volume ruang bakar total            : 400 liter
Kapasitas pembakaran                : 30 Kg / Jam
Dimensi body utama                  
Panjang                                           : 1200 mm
Lebar                                                : 900 mm
Tinggi                                                : 1500 mm
Ruang bakar Utama
Bentuk atap ruang bakar             : Melengkung ( Dome Contructoin )
Linning                                             : Batu Tahan api SK 34, Cash isolasi & Ceramic Fibre
Temperatur Kerja                           : 700 – 1100 oC
Burner Pembakar Utama          
Type                                                   :  Single Stage Burner
Kapasitas panas                               : 41 – 92 Kw
Konsumsi bahan bakar                    : 2 – 5 Nm3/ H
Bahan Bakar                                       : Elpiji
Power Supply                                    : AC.220V/130watt
Brand                                                 : Eropa
Pintu Pemasukan sampah
Pemasukan sampah                         : manual
Sistem Buka                                       : Ke samping
Sistem Penambah Udara 1
Blower                                              : 2”,220V/125W
Unit Pembakaran gas Buang
Ruang Bakar Gas buang
Volume                                            : 0.05 M3
Bahan                                              : Kontruksi Baja
Linning                                            : Castable & Ceramic Fibre
Temperatur Kerja          : 800~1100 oC
Burner Pembakar Gas buang
Type                                 : Single Burner
Kapasitas Panas             : 12 – 33 Kw
Konsumsi bahan bakar  : 1 – 1.5 Nm3/ H
Bahan Bakar                    : Elpiji
Power Supply                  : AC 220V/ 80Watt
Brand                                :  dari Eropa
Unit Tanki gas LPG
Jumlah                                : 3 set
Kapasitas                            : 12 Kg
Water Scubber
Bahan                                  : stainless Steel SUS 304 8%
Nozle Spray
Jumlah                                : 3 set
Bahan                                  : Stainless Steel 304 Schedule 40
Water pump
Power                                  : 1 Phase 220V / 125 Watt
Kapasitas minimal            : 32 ltr / Menit
Panel kontrol
a.       Kenaikan & Penurunan Temperatur dapat dilihat dipanel
b.      Thermocontrol sistem digital
c.       Pergeseran temperatur dapat dilakukan dengan mudah
d.      Mampu mengontrol bahan pembakaran secara Manual/ Otomatis
e.      Mampu mengontrol pembakaran secara pirolisis
Unit cerobong Gas Buang Akhir
Bahan                          : Stainless Steel 304 8 %
                                        Tebal 1.5mm, Flange MS
Dimensi                      : 38 mm
                                      Tinggi -+10 Meter
Crusible Tong                            : ss, 25 cm, 2Pcs